1. Since you can say the same thing in almost 500 diverse ways
German has a exceptionally wealthy dictionary. This is incompletely due to its extraordinary capacity to make unused terms through Wortbildung, truly, the building of words. As a sort of imaginative work out, distinctive words and things can be joined with one or more postfixes. Besides the French social mastery of the 18th century ruined the German dialect and affected the expression of certain concepts from the time. When at that point Sentimentalism and its fundamental patriot philosophy spread all through Europe in the 19th century, certain etymologists very truly concocted 100% German words to pass on those same expressions (a few illustrations incorporate: division= Aufteilung, definition= Bestimmung…).
The result? A few things in German can be said with two totally distinctive words that really have the same meaning. The choice of the word will at that point depend on the setting and elaborate criteria. Tragically, this abundance in choice applies too to entire sentences and expressions.
Thus indeed if you have been examining German for 10 a long time and know of 5 distinctive ways to inquire “how are you?”, be beyond any doubt that a local speaker will come to you one day and utilize that 6th way that you couldn’t indeed start to envision it existed.
2. Since the talked dialect is horrendously distinctive from the composed one
Yes, this is likely the most curiously, not to say horrendously disappointing, angle of German: no matter how well you know ALL the conceivable syntactic rules, The talked dialect has in truth a title for it’s claim, the so called Umgangssprache (vehicular dialect). Its dictionary has indeed been amassed in word references, and holds the quirk of being transversal to dialects.
What characterizes the talked dialect is that cluster of little words that have completely no meaning on their claim and that Germans utilize to donate a tone to the sentence (a bit like hand signals for Italians) such as mal, schon, stop, doch… The utilize of these words will instantly partitioned a local speakers from who, notwithstanding how familiar they may be, learned German as a moment dialect. There is at that point the inclination to inquire „Wo kommst du her?“ and „Wo gehst du hin? and „Wohin gehst du?“. To our enchant, Germans too like to liven up the dialect with specific expressions and to the all around known “Wie geht’s?” they will likely lean toward a „Wie läuft’s?“ or a „Wie ist es?“…
3. Since certain sounds are truly difficult to pronounce
Some have made it. This story takes the forms of a legend since certain sounds in German are truly, truly difficult to articulate. A few have a troublesome time with the ch (not to be befuddled with the sch!) of which there are really two distinctive adaptations: the one found after vowels as a, o, u (Dach, Buch, Loch, in phonetic x) and the one found after the insides vowels i, e, ä, ü, ö (ich, Brecht, lächeln, Löcher, Bücher in phonetic ç). If you never taken note don’t stress, it’s ordinary, Germans themselves likely don’t indeed realize. One other captivating sound is the throaty r, the one that withdraws from that obscure point of the throat and that totally changes the sound of words like Brot.
4. Since we can’t acknowledge that a few verbs can be isolated and that a piece of that verb has to be put at the conclusion of a sentence
Yes, when looking on the word reference you’ll discover a “full” word with a certain meaning, such as ausgehen = to go out, but in regular sentences that same word will be part in two and the addition will go at the conclusion. Why? Who knows. Scenes in which you’ll discover yourself interpreting a sentence and cheerfully think to have caught on what verb it is, fair to discover out that you really missed a “piece” of it, will be exceptionally repetitive. And your brain will trip each time you’ll attempt to talk and have to think of that little component.
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